Fees Structure
General Fees :
Fees to be paid at the time of admission for first year and at the commencement of the subsequent years :
Special Fees | : | Rs. 1000/- per year |
Development Fees | : | Rs. 1000/- per year |
Caution Deposit | : | Rs. 50/- at the time of admission |
Admission Fees | : | Rs. 2/- at the time of admission |
N.S.S. | : | Rs. 20/- at the time of admission |
Mark sheet Verification | : | Rs. 50/- at the time of admission |
Red Cross | : | Rs. 10/- at the time of admission |
Flag day | : | Rs. 5/- |
Verification Fees at DTE | : | Rs. 15/- |
The Fees should be paid within ten working days from the reopening of the Institution. A fine of Rs. 1.00 per day will be collected beyond the above time limit upto a maximum of fifteen days. The name of the defaulters will be struck off from the rolls and they will be readmitted only with the Principal's permission and after paying the fees along with fine.
1. | Registration Fees | : | Rs. 30/- |
2. | Exam. Fees (per paper) | : | Rs. 65/- |
3. | Mark Sheet | : | Rs. 40/- |
4. | Consolidated mark sheet in final year | : | Rs. 60/- |
5. | Provisional Certificate in the final year | : | Rs. 110/- |
6. | Diploma Certificate in the final year | : | Rs. 225/- |
7. | Duplicate Mark sheet within 5 years | : | Rs. 60/- |
8. | Duplicate Mark sheer between 5 years and 10 years | : | Rs. 90/- |
9. | Duplicate Mark sheet beyond 10 years | : | Rs. 120/- |
10. | Duplicate Diploma Certificate | : | Rs. 300/- |
11. | Duplicate Hall Ticket | : | Rs. 35/- |
12. | Migration and Equivalency Certificate | : | Rs. 150/- |
13. | Penal fee for belated exam application (for 7 days only) | : | Rs. 150/- |
14. | Tatkal fees (fine) | : | Rs. 750/- |
15. | For getting Xerox Copy of Answer Paper | : | Rs. 100/- |
16. | For revaluation of Answer Paper | : | Rs. 400/- |
17. | Readmission | : | Rs. 2/- |